The Amazing Washcloth Folder

In the below video, Hana Kate demonstrates how to fold a washcloth (not sure why it plays the folding part twice), and how to sweep “the duht by a door.”

Her favorite thing to do is wash the dishes, but that’s an underwater adventure for sure! This was her first night to fold washcloths–she was desperate to help, and I underestimated her folding ability. 🙂

A Few Eden Pictures

Eventually, I’ll get some pictures up here that aren’t taken by my computer’s webcam. I need to use Daniel’s computer to do so, but it is pretty much in use my every waking moment (and then some!) or we’re both spending time together. So until then…I’ll do it this way.

She is quite fascinate by this toy!

So happy!

I don't get as much "done" this way, but that's not my goal. My goal is to love my children, and put their needs first. But I happen to love this, too!

Oh, the Funny Things She Says!

Hana Kate keeps us laughing every day with the funny things she says. I’m finding that if I don’t write them down right away, I sadly forget because she comes up with something new.

Going Shopping

She loves to go shopping at Publix! Well, that is where Mommy goes shopping, and she gets to ride in the car carts and gets a free cookie.

HK: (Pushing her new toy shopping cart from G&G and going around waving) “Goodbye, Mommy!” “Goodbye, Daddy!”

Daniel: “Where are you going?”

HK: “Pubwix.”

Cow Juice

Hana Kate: (Holding a cup she found in her diaper bag.) “Want some more juice!”

Daniel: “We don’t have any juice. It’s all gone.”

Hana Kate: “Want some more…cow juice?”

Daniel: “Cow juice?”

Hana Kate: Want some more cow juice…milk!”

Daniel: “Oh…you want some milk?”

Hana Kate: “Yah!” (Smiling happily that Daddy had figured it out.)

Have no idea on that…we’ve never called milk “cow juice.” 🙂

Mr. John from the Bible

“Mr. John” was visiting to interview Daniel, and I told Hana Kate that Mr. John was here, so we needed to be quiet. Her eyes lit up, and she said “Mister John from the Bible, coming?” We had read about John the Baptist earlier that morning. 🙂

Emby Needs Some Aquaphor on It

My sister, affectionately called Emby by Hana Kate (and a few others) :), was over one evening, and Hana Kate noticed that Emby had a scar on her hand. She looked at Emby with quite a sad face, and said

HK: “Uh-oh. Boo-boo?”

MB: “Yeah, it’s kind of like a boo boo”

HK: “Emby, here you go you need some Aquaphor on it.”

Only the whole sentence came out as fast as if it was all one word, and we all burst out laughing after we figured out what she had just said! Hana Kate is fairly good at speaking in sentences, but we’re pretty sure that was her longest one yet!

God Drew the Bible?

Hana Kates goes running toward Daniel: “Read da Bibuh”

Daniel:  “Hana Kate, did you know that the Bible is God’s Word?

HK: Looking down at her picture Bible:  “yah.”

Daniel: “God wrote it.”

HK: With a look of questions:  “God draw on it.”

Daniel:  “No, God didn’t draw on it, but he wrote it.”

Their Names Are Christa

HK: “Name?” (Holding up her toy puppy.)

Daniel: “Name…you mean what is your puppy’s name?”

HK: “Yah.”

Daniel: “What is his name?”

HK: “Christa!”

A week later, and the puppy’s name had been forgotten…

Daniel and HK make a craft, and

Daniel asks: “What should we name the dog?”

HK: “Christa!”


Eden sneezed, and Hana Kate says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul.” (From a passage we had memorized way back last year.)

I was ironing, and Hana Kate said, “bless you.” I looked up, and she said, “Iron sneezed.” Apparently, it sounded like a sneeze when I pushed the steam button on the iron.

Beauty Speaks from Every Place

Beauty speaks from every place
From tender shoot, to granite face.
Shy, mournful glance from dimming eyes,
Pink glories stroked across the skies.

From fountains deep to mountains high,
From thunderous roar to whispering sigh.
All of nature does embrace,
That beauty speaks from every place.

Cold stillborn child who knew no breath
Her anguished hands caress birth’s death.
Still beauty there, her arms embrace,
For, beauty speaks in every place.

Cold Winter covers all of Summer, Spring,
Yet in the dark, warm memories dance and sing.
Morticious frost hunts blossoms to encase
Yet, beauty speaks in every place.

A glimmering shaft on hillside grave,
The trembling hearts of soldiers brave,
Fermented smiles etch wrinkled face,
Yes, beauty speaks in every place.

The burning bush on holy ground,
In common places can be found.
A quiet heart who will embrace
That beauty speaks in every place.

Heaved cries of pain from arduous birth
Transformed to glistening tears of mirth
First cry of infant, no laughter can replace,
For, beauty speaks from every place.

Beauty speaks on bloodstained cross,
First glance, appeared as heaven’s loss.
The beauty of this Life laid down,
No greater love was ever shown.

The horror that the cross was mine,
But borne by Man who is Divine.
Beauty streams forth from this paradox,
“He is the King!” cry out the rocks.

Beauty’s tale, it is not done,
Nothing new beneath the sun,
The stories new, and yet the same,
All beauty serves to praise His name.

© Keren Threlfall, 2010

A Shell Collection?

John Piper: Don’t Waste Your Life. What a powerful message. I’ve heard it many times before, but I am encouraged and provoked every time I hear it.